Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A half?

It’s been a bit since I’ve posted on here, but now seems as good a time as any.

The latest news is that I’m training for the 2011 Cap City Half Marathon. Sort of comic how I got involved in this one. I was scoping out 5K’s to run and I found one in Westerville that looked fun. A late afternoon race that finished with beer and music. I contacted Bill H to see if he was interested…and he ended up talking me into run the half marathon. Not sure how that happened but its all good.

From that moment I had about nine weeks to get ready. I went out on the webz looking for a training plan the seemed to fit where I was at…I could run for 30 minutes no problem and have a good pace…but no idea what it was. I just know that when I’m running I pass more people then pass me. So I must have an OK pace against the general population.

The plan I found it this one

It’s pretty basic but it gets the job done. I find myself wanting to run more…but I’m really sticking to the plan because this is my first attempt at a long race. I have no idea what it’s like to push this 40 year old body and I’m not really interested in hurting myself in finding out. Some of the long runs look, well, LONG. I have my first six miler coming up and I’m looking forward to it.

I am geeking out a bit on all the runners’ gear that is out in the world these days. I’ve seen some friends using the Garmins and had to have one. The concept of paying the money wanted for them was a little crazy…so I found one on Craigslist for 50 bucks. Score! I also go a nice water bottle you can hold while running. I do see all these people running with hip belts and that looks MAJORLY uncomfortable. I’ve got a four miler tonight so I can test out what it’s like to carry water. I imagine I just need to get used to it.

I’m glad that I’m pacing myself and sticking to the training plan. I find myself totally looking forward to my runs. I love the zone I get into after the first mile or so, and love the way I feel when I’m done. I’ve been doing all my running thus far on the Olentangy trail. Great path with lots of trees and lots of people.

So the bottom line? So far, so good.

Oh yeah, I registered for the Columbus Marathon also. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. *hug-an-a-kiss* Go Scott, go!!! You have all of my support, all the way to the finish.
